Thursday, June 26, 2008

Before the Camino

Mary is planning to meet me in London on July 1.  I (Anselmo) got here earlier to go to the Graphics Hardware conference in Sarajevo.  Since I had a week to kill, I first went to Mostar, also in Bosnia, and then to Dubrovnik in Croatia.

The conference in Sarajevo was made fascinating by the stories told by the local organizers, Jasminka and Selma.  The talk by Selma about her life during the siege was sad and moving.  We couldn't help but be amazed that such a crazy war ever began.   No one seems to have won anything from it. The Bosniaks (Muslims) were especially devastated by the conflict.  Although there are scars on many buildings and still some ruins, it's amazing how well the city has recovered in less than 15 years.

I'll have more to say about Sarajevo later.  I left my sightseeing for when I return just to allow for possible travel delays.

Mostar is pretty.  There's a famous bridge that was destroyed by Croatian shells during the 1992-1995 war.  The bridge was rebuilt in 2004 with international help.  Guys traditionally dive into the crystal clear river from the top of the arch.

There are a few tourist sights to see, mainly two small museums, some mosques, and three Turkish style houses.  I scheduled two days, but one would have done.

I was a little bored the second day, but luckily met around-the-world traveler, Linda Somers.  I had coffee with her and ended up talking the rest of the day.  Linda has a blog at

I've been getting around using buses, which run frequently.  The one from Sarajevo to Mostar (2.5 hours) was pretty good.  The one on to Dubrovnik (3.5 hours) had a very weak air conditioner, which made the trip seem long.  Here's hoping for a good bus for the 6.5 hour trip back to Sarajevo.

I'll blog about beautiful Dubrovik in my next post.

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