Saturday, July 5, 2008

The "Chanson de Roland"

Okay, this battle was in 780 AD. Charlemagne was fighting the Saracens in Spain. He promised the Basques that he would not damage Pamplona. However he destroyed the walls of the city. Roland was the general of the rear guard of Charlemagne´s army. Charlemagne retreated back over the Cize pass. The Basques ambushed Roland and his army. Roland had a supernatural sword named Durendal. He had a horn named Oliphaunt
Roland is (possibly) buried at Roncesvalles.

I slept for 12 hours. The next day I woke up very tired. Breakfast was not available at an early hour so we started walking. It was mostly downhill but there was some uphill. We saw a few small villages. I still had the runs but not quite as bad. We walked through some beautiful forests. The weather got slightly warmer but not much!

We are staying in a village called Zuberi. Since I am still a little sick we stayed in a hotel again. This hotel has a reading room, the first books I´ve seen! I would really like to see a flower guide!

Okay, more next time!


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