The mountain climb was beautiful although cold. The first cafe we came to we stopped for coffee and breakfast.
There was a guy in there named Albert, from Western Canada. He told quite a story about his friend who had been robbed in Seville (Europe has very few criminals but apparently there are gangs from North AFrica)
After that we went to the Cruz de Ferro. It is the highest altitude on the whole trek. It is a tiny little cross on a large pole. Okay, I don´t understand what the big deal is!
You are supposed to leave a "token of love" at the foot of the cross. Anselmo brought a tiny pebble from home which I left. It is practically invisible in the huge pile of rocks left by other pilgrims. There are also other "offerings" like worn out shoes.
After that we walked to another high-altitude point and then started the descent. We ran into the (British) Ukelele Boy again. He had joined up with a guy I called the Gap-toothed Boy and the Gap-toothed Boy´s Girl, who are both Israeli, anyway, I should find out their names so I don´t give them these silly nicknames. Anselmo renamed the Ukelele Boy the Peeing Boy because of an incident along the trail.
"Sorry, Nature Called," said the Ukelele Boy.
We finally ended up at the bottom of the mountain range at a lovely town called Molina Seca. We stayed in a little place called Posada de Muriel
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