Well, "Lizarra" means "ash tree" in Basque. However "L´Izarra" means "The Star" in Basque.
We stayed at the municipal Albergue. There were 40 people in our room! We were in two bunk beds pushed together. Anselmo and I were on the bottom. Two women were on the top. He was surrounded.
We woke up really early. Our Albergue provided breakfast at 6:00 AM and you had to be out by 7! Breakfast was crackers!!! I could´nt believe it.
The first place we went was the monastery of Irache. We, which included the entire population of the Albergue, reached Irache about 7:30 AM which was good timing since it had the free Fountain of Wine.
Seriously. All the wine you could drink and/or carry for free.
After that we walked up a small cone shaped mountain, Monjardin, with a castle on top. Since breakfast was rather unsatisfying I succumbed to the temptation of a double expresso with about a pound of sugar to pep me up a bit.
After that we spent several hours walking through beautiful agricultural fields of grain and wild flowers. No trees. No rocks. No place to discreetly pee. It was tough. I had to go behind a hay stack!!!
We passed a place called "Cueva de los hombres verdes". These were people who were miners who traveled from Mesopotamia in 1000 AD (I think). They were in search of copper. They were mining for copper in the cave. When they died their bones were soaked with copper oxide. When they were found they had green bones.
We are in Los Arcos, staying in a small hotel. Anselmo is giving me my own bathroom with hair dryer every other day! Okay, its cool. It was interesting to shower with all those guys in the hostel yesterday.
Okay better go, Anselmo is going to write to Liz. We got a Spanish cell phone. We have not been able to call or text Liz yet. Or use Net-to-Phone.
Okay, off to sketch some flowers. I bought some colored pencils and paper yesterday.
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